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"Core collection"
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:25 pm
by DavidYamada
Hi Everyone! For many months I've been pondering what should be part of a core collection of writings, links, and lists for a WDU Resource Library. The main purpose of this collection would be to present the essential intellectual foundation of the HumanDHS interpretation of human dignity, including general explanatory sources and resources potentially useful to scholars and writers who wish to address dignity in a way compatible to our configurations Here's my latest thinking of what that collection should look like.
-The pdf version of Chowdury, Britton, and Hartling, eds., Human Dignity: Practices, Discourses, and Transformations (Dignity Press 2020);
-Core writings by Evelin, Linda, and others on general themes of human dignity;
-Writings about the foundational origins of HumanDHS and WDU;
-Links to video recordings of Michael Britton's annual Klein lectures;
-Other video recordings of special significance to HumanDHS and WDU; and,
-A periodically updated annotated bibliography of core works on human dignity.
I welcome your thoughts and suggestions.
Re: "Core collection"
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:30 am
by kim.eriksen
David - thanks for all your ideas on the WDU Library.
It seems the main "content selection process" begins with you, Ms. Evelin and Linda to help inform/provide the work chosen for the WDU Library. Last time I spoke with Evelin, she clearly knows this content best as she manages the HDHS site and is most intimately involved with the contents to be chosen and made available.
I imagine Uli and I may then like to discuss a more formal structure and process for transferring the selected contents to the WDU site?
Uli, anytime you wish to chat and explore ideas just let me know. Also, I checked the box to notify me on replies for this post, as I do not check the forum regularly. So if I am seemingly absent, email me anytime.
Re: "Core collection"
Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:36 am
by DavidYamada
Hi Kim,
Thank you for your response on developing a core collection for the library. Actually, I was hoping that you might work directly with Evelin and Linda to identify their core writings that capture the history, philosophy, and practice of HumanDHS. I may be slightly more familiar than you with what's on the HumanDHS website, but not by much, as frankly it's too dense and unsorted for me to use as research resource. That's why I hope we can get Evelin and Linda to give us the greatest hits -- maybe the top 15-20 articles and papers -- from that site, as well as (if Evelin is open to this) pdf copies of any of her published books.
As for my own work, most of my published work is more niche-oriented (workers' rights, therapeutic jurisprudence, etc.) and doesn't belong in that core collection. with the exceptions being a chapter in the Chowdhury, Britton & Hartling book that will be shared as a free pdf and perhaps that 2021 concept paper that describes my original ideas for WDU.
Is this something you could take on? Especially if you are interested in a possible ongoing role as helping to coordinate/direct the resource library, it would be great if you could start becoming familiar with the key publications by the core of the HumanDHS community. Please share your thoughts! Also, my schedule will start to look much better in early February if you'd like to do a chat.
Thanks much!!!
Re: "Core collection"
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 3:32 am
by kim.eriksen
Dear all,
A warm hello!
I've reserved a .pdf copy of "Human Dignity: Practices, Discourses, and Transformations" as part of the core collection to be made available in the WDU Library. However, this file is too large to attach here in this forum.
I have also submitted a request to both Ms. Evelin and Linda today for any additional contents as recommended by David. It is with hope we will be able to continue expanding the WDU core with more papers, articles, and/or books for the community.
Although I am doing what seems "actionable" at this stage to support Uli, please pardon those other possible tasks that may seem intuitive, but not attended I still do not understand who is doing what, to what extent, or how.
Hopefully, this will help us get started.
All my best.