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Dignity Road Report* - July 2015

Dear Friend!

We had a remarkable dignity conference in Kigali, the capital of the Republic of Rwanda in the very middle of Africa! The conference was conducted in the spirit of the United Nations agenda toward 'A Life of Dignity for All', in the spirit of Umuganda 'coming together in common purpose', and as a tribute to Felicitas Niyitegeka, who sacrificed her life in the genocide that ravaged Rwanda in 1994, targeting Tutsi, together with moderate Hutu who were opposed to the killing.

Please see the report of the conference that Evelin Lindner wrote in June and which Linda Hartling was able to cut down from 60 confidential pages to 20 public non-confidential pages. We have received clearance of our hosts, the Rwandan Commission of Reconciliation (NURC) and Emmanuel Ndahihama, to publish the final version on our website. We have reason to believe that also the President of Rwanda will read it most attentively.

May we extend our very warmest thank-you to YOU ALL!
There are no words to express our appreciation for your amazing contributions!

Evelin & Linda, on behalf of our entire network, 28th September 2015